Web Inspiration (WIP)

This page is dedicated to the websites over the years that inspired me to make my own site, from when I was a kid up to now. I'm going in no particular order, but I'll try to be semi-chronological about it.

Luna's Sanctuary

Aside from like, Neopets and Photobucket, this is the earliest website I remember checking and browsing regularly. Miraculously still up even today. I remember the day I found it, too; my mom, knowing how Yoshi-obsessed her child was, found a piece of artwork from this website and called me over to show me. I must've been seven or eight years old, and had never seen Yoshi art like that, done by a really cool person online and not the artists at Nintendo. Yoshis turned into original characters, named after their creators, in a dynamic style! I was enthralled, and immediately slotted checking this site daily into my very busy child schedule.

I've spoken to Luna exactly one time (and by "spoken to" I mean left a shaky and awestruck comment on her DeviantArt profile years later, to which she replied politely), but I have to say her art and her website is probably the reason I decided to remain online, explore other communities and discover more artists through her Links page, and most importantly, explore my art more seriously. As a child, I wanted a site that looked and functioned exactly like hers, and if I'd had the skill and means, I probably would've made just that. I'm glad I didn't, though, because imitation is flattery but is also...imitation. I'm sure she wouldn't have appreciated some kid ripping off her site design very much. I'm also certain this site was my introduction to large casts of OCs, and I have an old sketchbook filled with ancient Yoshi and furry OCs drawn in a very similar style to Luna's. *sweats* I'm sorry, Luna! Thankfully, none of this imitation art ever made it onto the internet, and likely never will. I do want to thank her for being my original inspiration though, and I'll never forget the happy days I had browsing through her artwork, enjoying the characters and learning how to create my own.

She is also still active to this day, so I suggest checking out her art!

Luna's Sanctuary

Mew's Hangout!

I can't be too sure, but I think this was my first exposure to Pokemon fansites. I don't remember how I found Mew's Hangout, but I would spend days on it just in awe of the fake Pokemon artwork. This website is also probably part of the reason I have a soft spot for Mew, and specifically the old style of Mew with the pink paw and tail tips. I have plenty of old drawings of attempted Fakemon, and I'm sure Mew's Hangout was the inspiration for those.

In particular, I remember the Fakes section being my favorite part (and the artwork section a close second). I loved and still love Mewkitty's art style, how fluidly she was able to draw Pokemon, and the idea of Fakemon was incredible to my tiny little kid mind. I was too young and dumb to understand what was going on - the fact that there were forums, accounts, and a whole community here completely escaped me, as all I did was regularly check the art and tutorials. I'm a little sad that it's something I missed out on, but I was so young that it probably was a very good thing that I did. Back to the Fakes, I'm entirely certain that Mew's Hangout had a hand in my never-ending love for Fakemon.

These days, Mewkitty is now Witticaster, and is still creating incredible art and I'm so glad to see her doing well and making things with love. I see a love and respect for past art that I don't often see among artists, and it resonates with me! Or perhaps I'm just projecting. Either way, she can be found here!

(Page is a WIP, to be continued)