Original Art

This whole page is a huge work in progress and will be updated gradually! I plan to have a lot of my art and multiple art pages, but it's also a lot of work, and I need to take breaks.


ATTENTION: Some artwork features skimpy outfits and pinups. While there is nothing outright adult or explicit, I'm placing this warning here just in case. Said artwork never goes beyond a swimsuit-level of exposition, and there's no art here that features overtly adult themes or language either (maybe some curses sometimes). Just to be safe, pinup artwork will feature a dotted border rather than a solid one, and the mouse-hover title will also say if it's skimpy.

2022 - 2023

Also known as: Oops! All Hattie!
This category is kinda just 2020-2021 turned up to the extreme. Art-based existential crises galore, and barely any art at all, let alone finished pieces. But more importantly, I still improved a LOT! I'm very happy with these, they look solid and are things I had fun doing.

2020 - 2021

A lot of stuff I really liked from these years; you'll notice the amount of art became much fewer, but the quality got better, and of course it's more apparent to me in hindsight. It was at this point where I had already taken several social media breaks, and still wasn't happy with what I was doing with my art. I was making quality stuff, but I didn't have nearly enough energy or focus left to get to the many, many more drawings I wanted to work on (and still haven't). That frustrated me to no end and kind of sent me into another burnout phase, so less art still was made. Hattie flying Hattie jumpin Pluto

2018 - 2019

I think at this point my art style was really established, but it's also when I started getting burnt out as hell. I leaned into Hattie and Pluto as my comfort OCs a lot here. Bailey Fiona busts Hattie chillin Fashion HATTIE YELL Hattiewave The only prompt I did for Cute Girltober, Maid. I actually really like her. A lil nose kissu Mouse! Tiny Angel Wings gift art!

2016 - 2017

Goofy time again, and in hindsight drawing a lot more like myself too. Anatomy is getting better, and I'm really loving my OCs now. This was also a really active period in my life socially, and I got to spend a lot of time with my friends trading art ideas and inspiration. A character I made up one day in a Discord call with a friend. We were talking about snow bunnies, then snowmen, then Tsukimi bunnies...and I drew a snow bunny with a carrot for a nose. Helmet

2014 - 2015

Still kinda trying to take my art seriously here I guess, and trying a lot of different stuff. Also really started trying to establish my cast of OCs, both in my own and others' memories.

2012 - 2013

These two years are when I really started to try learning and making art principles stick, and I took my art much more seriously. My experiences in 2011 were very inhibiting, so there's a weird seriousness in some of the art from this era, but I guess I eventually went back to my bubbly roots.

2010 - 2011

2010 was when I first started doing digital art regularly, so there's a lot of goofiness and pure fun in those drawings. 2011 was a bad time in my life, so you can very easily tell those pieces from the 2010 ones if you look. I sorely miss the 2010 days of just goofing around in SAI with my little Bamboo and first Intuos.