To-Do List

This page will be a general, ongoing list of stuff I wanna do with the site, in no particular order. Messily updated 7/29.

  • Finish Inspiration & Resources pages (pretty much always ongoing)
  • Make the whole site more mobile/vertical-friendly (I think it works now?)
  • Fix up the header and the site width to be less LORGE (idk about this one)
  • Make actual banners for the site instead of just my cropped artwork
  • Make a page for my Chao screenshots and stuff
  • "Household/self-care" advice page?
  • Add more images, graphics and fun stuff to this boring place (but not too many)
  • Add a "fandoms/shrines" category with links underneath to pages about each thing I wanna talk about (Ar Tonelico, Goemon, Chao, etc)
  • Add OC pages, possibly with a different layout and with music themes for them (never fear, music on this site will never autoplay)
  • Add a page for links to my friends' stuff (their Neocities or other creations)
  • Add a page for other people's buttons and site banners - IN PROGRESS! (as of 7/29)
  • Rewrite the About page
  • Clean up the dang code
  • Find out why bulleted lists are displaying like that