
TL;DR: I've let my online art presence and the internet as a whole become so weighty to me that I'm constantly having a meltdown over how the internet has changed and how I present myself online, so I'm cutting myself off from being an artist on the internet, because it seems like the only healthy option for me right now.

I think I need to stop posting online entirely.

As drastic and melodramatic as that sounds, I'm spending time on an internet that I hate, wishing for an internet that no longer exists. I've repeatedly ~taken breaks from social media to try and detox~, and it does help in the short term, but eventually I just fall back into my "existential art crisis" and become anxious, stressed, and frustrated again, hating myself and hating every choice I've made up to this point. I'm happy when I draw at my own pace, but I'm quickly overwhelmed by the "I'm not posting enough so people won't like me anymore" anxiety I get.

I know I'm like, the only one who feels this way, the only one who cares this much and takes art this seriously that I've let it crush me so much. For some reason my art and my ability to draw is so deeply ingrained in my identity and sense of self, and it's become so monumentally important to me that it's worn me down this much. But I know I'm not the only artist online who feels pressure to perform every day, who compares themself to others, who feels burnt out every month, and who is constantly fighting with the evolving technology and society that seems to be consistently designed to screw us. I know many have been able to adapt, and have done it smoothly, and I commend them and am incredibly happy for them. I'm proud to have happy and well-adjusted art peers! I can't do that. I want to put in the effort to adapt, I have to many ideas to share and stories to tell, but I'm just...spent. Every time I try, it takes up all of my very limited energy, and I'm back to hibernation mode again. I am tired. I'm too small, sensitive and self-conscious to simply keep trucking along. My fragility makes every effort so painful. I really cannot do this anymore.

Posting my art online used to be fun. I loved connecting with people over fan art, OCs, gushing with other artists about each other's creations, and getting love and support from people who found enjoyment in it. I used to get kind asks on Tumblr just complimenting my art or encouraging me when I posted a vent piece. Tumblr especially used to be my chill place. Most of those people, along with that happy and peaceful environment, are gone now. Old Tumblr is dead, old DeviantArt is gone, I feel detached from FA more than I ever have. Everything feels scattered and divided, and people are so jaded, which I really can't blame anyone for. No matter where I go, I don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore, and I don't really want to be anywhere, either. I feel like I don't even fit in with my own demographic, no matter what I try. I can't emphasize enough that I'm trying to post for and enjoy an internet and online community that no longer exists. It's my own fault for living in the past. Everything is far too fleeting now, engagement is king and constant streams of new content, as well as outrage, equals that. Everyone else seems to be able to change so readily with it, and I'm still stuck figuring things out from five years ago. I can't seem to recognize or understand anyone anymore, either. I can't keep up, and I don't want to try anymore.

I think what I wanted the most for my art was for it to resonate with people. It's always been my favorite thing to do for fun, and it always made me so happy knowing my art made someone's day better, even if it was just Hattie being silly or cute fan art. The idea that I could make someone breathe easier because I drew something soft and comforting is incredibly meaningful to me. But my art was always a powerful emotional outlet for me, too. I know my vent art would often dip into edgy territory, especially in my teenage years, and I withdrew from drawing vent art as a whole because I became too self-aware of it and I felt too exposed. But it was real, and it came from a real place and real emotions, and that's still important to me. I feel emotions very strongly. I wanted to say something and be understood. And I guess that's what I still want? To be understood, like anyone else would want, I guess.

I don't even know what I want out of posting online anymore, or why I bother to check it. Every bit of engagement I get feels more empty than rewarding, and that discrepancy keeps growing. I hate it, because I know it's because my brain has been trained to want more. I hate that I need more and more validation that people care about me via my art, because it used to be purely *mine*. And I want so much for it to just be mine again. It's really felt like I've been drawing for everyone else for such a long time, and I guess that's also my own fault. I feel trapped here. I really don't enjoy drawing anymore, and I never get the urge to like I used to, and I cannot express *how much* that absolutely guts me. I always say social media is what ruined it for me, but I know that my participation in social media was my own choice, so I know I actually ruined it for myself.

I have a lot of work to do. I need to just get better as a person, fix my mental health, gain any semblance of self-worth so that I'm not breaking down every week over my value as an artist being synonymous with my value as a person (before you wonder, I am working with mental health professionals regularly now). I know I complain a LOT about the internet and how it's changed, but I need to make it very clear that I don't meant to put the blame solely on all of that for my mental state. I recognize that I just have a lot of issues and I make things harder for myself all the time. I'm chronically living in the past and unhappy with the present, and that's 100% a me problem. This is the only move I can think of that will allow me to actually focus on getting my shit together; removing the option of being an online artist altogether. I can't cheat and peek at Twitter and slowly make my way back after three weeks. While I'm at it, I will probably stop posting everywhere else too (not that I was really posting much anyway). I don't want to say I'm leaving forever but I will say that I want no more expectations, I'm not gonna be posting anymore, basically until further notice. I have to figure my shit out for real. I'm not sure if this will even work, it might just make things worse for me. But I'm just at a loss and I feel like I need to do something. I don't know if my absence from online art posting will cause me to miraculously enjoy drawing again and a year from now I'll have a massive backlog to show everyone, I'll be fixed and happy...I don't know. I just know this isn't for me, not right now.

I feel guilty doing this, because I have people who have been following me and supporting me for well over a decade, and I think you guys deserve better than this. It's a big part of my motivation for doing this to begin with - I'm kind of ashamed to show myself to these awesome people every day, I feel like I owe everyone more than just my gratitude, but I haven't been able to deliver consistent art or content in years. I feel like I'm letting so many people down every day, and ultimately I feel the same about leaving. But I need to get better first. I think about everyone all the time and feel so lucky and so stupid. I know it's dramatic, but to everyone, thank you, and I'm sorry.